Lake & Dam Updates & Progress

The Corps of Engineers declared the Pendleton Lake dam as a Category One dam several years ago. 

Once that happens, a long and arduous process is required to reach the point of approval and implementation of required safety measures.   It often takes years to finalize, as it did in Peachtree City.

There are strict criteria for Category One Dams as developed by the Corps of Engineers. The overflow runoff must be able to be opened and closed according to the fluctuating level of the lake.  That will mean that the existing overflow pipe and trash catcher (which is metal) will have to be replaced with concrete pipes, and a mechanism installed which will allow faster and easier draining of the lake should a record rain occur.

When our community was established , the lake was created, the dam built, and the road was built on the dam.  The road was dedicated to the Town of Tyrone.  The town owns most of the dam.  The community owns some and the property owners at either end of the dam on some. The Corps of Engineers declared the Pendleton Lake dam as a Category One dam several years ago. 

 The town is taking the lead on this project by communicating with the Corp, reviewing proposed plans and updating the Pendleton HOA as information becomes available.  While we do not know what the ultimate cost will be, we do know it will be expensive – to the point the Town has applied for a federal grant for this project.  We may have some exposure in the costs of the project but that remains unclear at this time.

Once a final decision has been made on the actual plans and what will be required, we will arrange a meeting and invite the Lake Engineer and representatives of the Town of Tyrone as well as the Safe Dams people to come meet with property owners to review all the plans and discuss funding of the project. 

All this being said, after four years, there are still no definite, approved design plans, no cost has been determined, and there is no time frame for work to begin.  The Board will update homeowners as we receive information.